
Did you know that Erwin Strittmatter, the great poet who wrote the famous novel- trilogy "Der Laden" (the shop), which even made it into movie, came from the heart of Lusatia? If you read the book, you will recognize the dialect that is still spoken here today. In the 20th century Lusatia, Gerhardt Lampa also painted his impressive pictures, characteristic of his calm imagery. Here, too, the region often doesn't get the attention it deserves, although the Lusatian artists and artworks are great to see and hear. In summer, there are lots of concerts and open-air events. Museums and galleries show art, which are often small exhibitions, but definitely worth discovering.

Have you ever watched how Sorbian Easter Eggs are decorated? Delicate wax symbols blend here after dyeing to elaborate patterns. Sorbian women are still today patiently decorating those small artworks and keeping the traditions alive. There are a number of other typical Sorbian traditions to be experienced here, from Bescherkind at Christmas to the impressive traditional costumes that are different in every village and have different nuances depending on the occasion. Experts look at the costume and know exactly whether a woman is married, widowed or still single - and from which village she comes. Believe it or not, but there are some villages in Lusatia where Sorbian is the everyday language and where you will be asked by the baker in Sorbian what you would like to buy.

Castles can be found in almost every corner of Lusatia. The families of Köckritz, von Lynar, Fürst-Pückler, Graf Heinrich von Brühl, and many, many more as well as also various secondary residences of Saxon kings can be found here. In Doberlug-Kirchhain, for example, the first Brandenburg State Exhibition took place in 2014. Even smaller sites are now beautifully restored. Take some time to also enjoy the castle parks, which often have been created in different styles and are worth seeing.

Do you know the saying: "Poverty creates humility, humility creates diligence, diligence creates wealth, wealth creates exuberance, exuberance creates war, war creates poverty"? This saying could be often found on the once typical Lusatian hunger cloths. They were made in blue print, which is, just as pottery, a typical Lusatian art that today only is mastered by few craftsmen and that creates magnificent products. Did you know, that two of Europe's few tanners work and live in Lusatia? They tan all kind of skins and their ostrich leather tanning art is legendary. They supply those precious skins all over Europe. The Lusatian gingerbread bakeries also create tasteful delicacies and don't miss the gingerbread museum in Pulsnitz!

And besides that? Well, if you want to see landscape artworks, visit one or more of the new lakes in the Lusatian Lake District. The lakes originated from former mining pits of brown coal mining and provide nowadays recovery to both, man and nature. So much to discover! Are you interested? Welcome to Lusatia.

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